Monday, August 22, 2011

So many pictures to catch up on

First, a link to the fight featured in last post.

Now for some uncolored lineart and links to the rest of the fights in Round 1, Loser's League, and Round 2 so far.

Round 1 Fight 6: Hare Metal vs. PEPSimian

Round 1 Fight 7: Luchadillo vs. Gadadhara

Round 1 Fight 8: Achilles' Eel vs. Teslacorn

Losers' League Fight 1: Cash Cow vs. Neuromantis

Losers' League Fight 2: Cold Walrus vs. Hippangopolitan with an anger disorder

Losers' League Fight 3: Double Eelix vs. Kali Babar

Round 2 Fight 1: Teddy Krueger vs. DeloreLion

Round 2 Fight 2: Osmium Chef vs. Krilldozer

Stay tuned for more! I have a scanner now, so I should be able to participate in drawing scenes for the rest of the fights in the tournament.